143+ sites like SexTop:
Is Sex Top worth your time? For some reason, it seems so much harder than it should be to find a decent free Japanese porn tube. There are a fuck load of Japanese porn sites, don’t get me wrong, and many of them are free (or at
least offer free content), but finding a decent Japanese porn tube that is free of charge and doesn’t require you to download whatever videos or pics they offer is almost as hard as my dick is when I’m watching a sexy little
Japanese thing getting her tiny pussy ravaged.
When it comes to Japanese porn tubes, there are a few things that I always look for. Those things are a high-quality site design, decent video quality streaming, and a fair number of uncensored JAV videos. These three things are
surprisingly rare with JAV sites for some reason, but nearly impossible to find all together.
Far too often, it seems, when I come across a new Japanese porn tube, it looks as if the site designers just tried to cram every single video available on the site onto a single page. This results in incredibly sloppy,
unprofessional, and hard to navigate web sites that definitely do not make you want to revisit.
Another issue, in addition to the struggle of finding a site that even lets you stream videos to begin with, is video resolution. I haven’t been able to figure out the reason, but so many JAV tubes host videos that are grainy, slow
to buffer, or unwatchable because you can barely make out what’s going on. High video quality is essential. I want to fap to sexy Japanese girls getting fucked, not two vaguely Japanese looking blobs bumping into one another on what
looks like it could be a bed.
And, last but certainly not least, when I visit a new free JAV site, it is crucial that at least 30% of the videos are uncensored. I just can’t get off to a censored porno, and I really don’t understand how in the fuck anyone can.
If you start a JAV site and you have no uncensored videos available, you might as well be an art museum. I will not be coming back to fap again … because what is there to fap to? Some tits and pixelated genitals? Fuck that.
First Impressions are Lasting Impressions
From the moment I arrive at, I am already pleased with what I see. The first test has been passed at nothing more than a first impression. The site design looks great – not
just for a JAV site, but for any free porn tube. It is minimalistic and aesthetically pleasing, with a cool white and blue theme and a useful, clean cut organization to it. Everything has its place, and the site looks like it will be
extremely easy to navigate. No getting lost or confused by the layout. It’s everything you look for in a good free porn tube design,
At the very top of the page, you will find a clean and convenient site menu bar, allowing you to navigate the site by clicking on Home, Censored, Uncensored, Porn Stars, or a search bar (where you can type in a keyword, model name,
studio, or ID). Also in the site menu bar, you will find a link to the best porn site on the web. That’s right, Sex Top links directly to yours truly! That will always score you some brownie points, for sure.
The site menu bar also ticks off box number two in my criteria for a good free JAV site: the fact that they do have uncensored content. Furthermore, not only do they have uncensored content, they make it easy to find. This is such a
fucking relief, let me tell you. Because, oftentimes, even if a JAV tube does have uncensored porn, they do not make it easy to find at all. I can’t even tell you how much time I’ve wasted manually browsing through JAV sites,
looking for uncensored content. Here, though, on Sex Top, all I have to do is click the Uncensored tab and, boom, just like that, I have access to nothing but. This is fucking amazing.
I Fear I have Spoken too Soon
Well, shit, I may have put the load before the orgasm on that one. I think I got a little too excited too soon. Because once I excitedly click on Uncensored, I’m given blue balls. Sure, they have
uncensored porn and, sure, it’s easy to access. But there is one major downfall to this section. There are only three pages worth of uncensored porn to view on Sex Top. Maybe 30 videos. Well, that sucks a fat fucking dick. And a
censored one, at that. Oh well, I love where their head’s at, and I can only hope that they are working on expanding this section as I type this. If they do amass a larger uncensored section on Sex Top, I could see myself never needing
another JAV site again!
That being said, all that I need is a quick perusal of these videos to see that Sex Top also gets points for fulfilling the third item on my checklist: quality of video streaming. It looks as if almost every video here streams
quickly and in the highest quality available for how it was filmed. That means many of them will even be available in 1080p high definition – a rare feature for a free JAV site to have. But, once again, Sex Top is far from your
typical free JAV porn tube. It is fucking awesome to be able to see – even if the number of videos is limited – sexy Japanese porn stars’ uncensored, beautiful pussies in 1080p HD video quality. I highly recommend checking that out
if you never have before.
I also appreciate that Sex Top features a special Porn Stars page, where you can browse every actress available on the site in alphabetical order. And as great as this is, I kind of think they could have put a little more effort
into this. Instead of just a text list of porn stars by name, I wish they had included a thumbnail for each, as well as a little bit of biographical (or at least statistical) information on each girl to go along with her individual
page of videos. Even though this could certainly be better, fuller, I do appreciate that JAV fans have a convenient way to quickly track down their favorite girls and browse everything she has to offer on Sex Top.
Sex Top is also a sizeable free porn tube. Even if most of that porn is censored, there are plenty of videos for you to enjoy – if you are able to enjoy censored JAV, that is. Even if I can’t, I understand that there are plenty of
JAV pornoholics out there who can, so for them, this site is probably one of the best on the web. Thousands upon thousands of high-quality full-length JAV videos. Hey, if that’s your thing, you certainly can’t go wrong.
No Special User Features … So Much Potential Here
The only other complaint that I have with this site is the fact that they do not offer many user features. Actually, let me correct myself. They do not offer any user features.
There is no way to register as a user. That means that you cannot like or dislike videos, you cannot save content, no commenting, no messaging, no following or subscribing to users or channels or porn stars, no nothing really. Except
for, of course, watching a fuck ton of censored Japanese porn, with the occasional uncensored flick thrown in there for good measure. This is another area in which I hope to see Sex Top expand in the future – give your users something
more in the way of a customizable, unique experience.
All in all, Sex Top (often misspelled as “” or “”) is, by far, one of the best designed free porn tubes that specializes in JAV. The website is beautifully simple and effective and easy to use. I love that
censored and uncensored videos are easily accessible by preference, and the fact that all the videos seem to be of an extremely high quality. However, their selection of uncensored films is very sparse – so, hopefully, Sex Top will
focus on uploading some more to that section. And it would be nice to have some customizable user features for a more personalized experience with the site.
If Sex Top gets their shit together, adds these uncensored videos, and gives us a few (I don’t even need that many) user features, I won’t ever visit another free JAV site again. Until then, though, I suppose the search continues.
Happy fapping, fuckers!
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